Irregular periods and when to consult your doctor

Irregular periods are when your menstrual bleeding is suddenly different in length and recurrence based on what you're used to. The consistency of your periods is more necessary than the length of your periods. A longer monthly cycle isn't really an issue, however if your period starts to vary and change, now is the right time to ask a gynecology specialist in Guntur.

How Do You Identify Irregular Periods?

The following are indications of irregular menstruation

  1. The quantity of days between periods minimizes or increments.
  2. Every month, you don't bleed for the same number of days.
  3. You have abnormal uterine bleeding (your periods become heavier or lighter, you spot/bleed between a month to month cycles)
  4. Spotting between periods, bleeding for more than a week, a period that abruptly stops, or is exceptionally excruciating, or unusually heavy periods are instances of menstrual cycle alterations.
  5. You have a medical illness or lifestyle trigger. Irregular menstrual cycle and unusual uterine bleeding can be brought about by hormonal imbalances, as well as issues like endometriosis, hypo or hyperthyroidism, PCOS, and uterine fibroids. Going off stress and birth control can likewise toss your lead to irregular periods.

What Are The Reasons for Irregular Periods?

There are different reasons behind an irregular menstrual cycle, and it's always a good idea to consult a gynecologist if you think you have irregular periods. Let’s take a look at some of the most prevalent reasons for irregular periods.

  1. PCOS
  2. Weight and physical activity
  3. Pregnancy
  4. Menopause
  5. Uterine fibroids

When Should You Consult Your Doctor For Irregular Periods?

Having irregular periods can enormously influence other aspects, and thus if you experience any of the following symptoms, you ought to request your best gynecology doctor in guntur for guidance on the line from treatment:

  1. For the past 90 days, you haven't had a period.
  2. Your period has become infrequent.
  3. You have your period more often than 21 days.
  4. You menstruate every 35days or less.
  5. Your period is more than weeklong.
  6. Your monthly cycle has become too much heavy.
  7. There is bleeding between periods.
  8. Your periods are very painful.

Irregular menstruation can be a sign of underlying clinical issues, so it is advised to keep track of your period health and consult Dr. Jhansi Lakshmi Kanumuri who is a gynecologist for menstrual disorders treatment in Guntur.